This Acer 3680 came in with the center pin hanging down and very loose. When it was all torn down the center pin had been completely pushed off the back of the jack and was making any contact with the motherboard.
This five pin dc jack is the same jack the hp zt3000 and many other Acer models use. The dc jack center pin is 1.65mm.
De-soldering the dc jack and re-soldering a new one on did the trick. The laptop powers up with no problem and is charging the battery again.
great blog, a lot of cool and usefull info here, keep the good work and i will come back to see more cool news again
Thank You for this infomational site.I am attempting to repair my Acer myself after I took it to a local computer shop and he wanted $200.00 plus{paid $400.00}couldn't see paying that!
Now I have it apart and am looking for any and all support I can find.Wish I would of found this site before! You have great prices.I would of much rather paid someone who knew what they are doing to save me from the headache.
These are pictures of my laptop.
Steve, thank you so much for repairing it. You're amazing. I just came home from work and logged on to send you an email to ask if you had received the laptop because FedEx left it at your door - even though I had requested a signature! And I find out that you have repaired it AND shipped it back within 24 hours of receiving it. Absolutely top notch service for the lowest price that I could find anywhere!
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